Rugvista's ontwerpprijsvraag!


Memories door Alina Goran



Lines and stamps always remind me of my childhood. They are both little artistic symbols. The stamps were sealing my precious letters and their design would always match the content. When the "no signal" lines on TV would interrupt the cartoons, I would start drawing. That was when my passion for art began. This stamp shaped carpet was designed for kids rooms to encourge a break from gadgets and more creative time.
Liniile si timbrele imi amintesc de copilarie. Ambele sunt mici simboluri artistice. Timbrele sigilau pretioasele mele scrisori si aveau mereu un model care se potrivea cu continutul. Cand liniile "fara semnal" de la televizor intrerupeau desenele animate, eu incepeam sa desenez. Atunci a inceput pasiunea mea pentru arta. Acest covor in forma de timbru a fost creat pentru camere de copii sa ii incurajeze sa ia o pauza de la gadgets si sa aiba mai mult timp dedicat creativitatii.

Over Alina Goran

Colours, shapes, patterns, textures bring me lots of joy. There is nothing better than sharing this happiness through my designs, photographs and paintings.
Culorile, formele, modelele, texturile imi aduc multa fericire. Imi face mare placere sa impart aceasta bucurie prin creatile, fotografiile si picturile mele.

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